Guilaine Depis’ experience as a press agent for Art Galleries :
- 2007-2010 permanent fulltime contract press agent for Galerie des Femmes 35 rue Jacob Paris 6tharrondissement
- 2015, collaboration with the Galerie Patrice Trigano Gallery, 4 bis rue des Beaux-arts Paris 6tharrondissement, during the press relation mission of Balustrade therewith
- 2011, Balustrade’s press launching of La Preuve par neuf, new art gallery in Montmartre
Completely unclassifiable artists
Text writings on artistes’works by Guilaine Depis :
On several artists’ orders Balustrade wrote texts mentioning their work :
- 2017 Writing on order of a text on the work of the famous Chinese painter Defu Guo (photo)
- 2017 Writing on order of a text on the work of the contemporary artist Emmanuel Bing
Guilaine Depis’ experience as a press agent for artists themselves :
Some examples of painting exhibitions which the press relations where entrusted to Balustrade :
- 2017 Exhibition of the Chinese painter Defu Guo at the Galeries du Diamant then in Giverny
- Art Brut Exhibition of Vladimir at the Halle Saint-Pierre with Luis Marcel, head of “ L’Art en marche”
Prior to Balustrade, Guilaine Depis was the press agent for exhibitions of many women artists which include (non-limited list):
- Françoise Gilot’s Exhibition (Galerie des femmes, 35 rue Jacob, Paris 6tharrondissement)
- Catherine Lopes-Curval’s Exhibition (Galerie des femmes, 35 rue Jacob, Paris 6tharrondissement)
- Christine Spengler Exhibition (Galerie des femmes, 35 rue Jacob, Paris 6tharrondissement)
- Colette Deblé’s Exhibition (Galerie des femmes, 35 rue Jacob, Paris 6tharrondissement)
- Milvia Maglione’s Exhibition (Galerie des femmes, 35 rue Jacob, Paris 6tharrondissement)
Examples of sculptors who have entrusted their press relation to Balustrade :
- 2019, the sculptor Isabelle Béné (photo) for her exhibition “Camille ailleurs” at the Galerie Marie de Holmsky in 2019, found thanks to Guilaine Depis’ network
2018, the sculptor Isabelle Béné for her exhibition “Au coeur des bleus camaïeu, Camille Claudel et lui en duo” at the City Hall of the 8th Arrondissement of Paris
- 2014, Exhibition “L’Émotion de l’instant” of the Chinese sculptor Yiming Min (photo with his curator Georges Saulterre) at the l’Espace Cardin (Oui-Média)
- Prior to Balustrade, Guilaine Depis was the press agent of the Mâkhi Xénakis exhibition at the Galerie des femmes, 35 rue Jacob, Paris 6tharrondissement.
Some examples of photographer artists which have entrusted their press relations to Balustrade :
- Jonathan Abbou, illustrating Christine Fizscher’s collection of poems “L’Ombre de la Terre” published by Bernard Dumerchez publisher
- Gina Kim for her video-journal “Séoul, visages d’une ville”, published at l’Atelier des Cahiers
- Elisa Haberer for her photographs in the book “Les Couleurs des tumuli”, written by the playwright of the Paris Opera Simon Hatab, published at l’Atelier des Cahiers
- Prior to Balustrade, Guilaine Depis was also the press agent for an exhibition of illustrated Alina Reyes texts of the famous authors’ photographer Sophie Bassouls (Galerie des femmes, 35 rue Jacob, Paris 6tharrondissement)
- Christine Spengler Exhibition (Galerie des femmes, 35 rue Jacob, Paris 6tharrondissement) (photo-
Completely unclassifiable artists
Examples of unclassifiable artists who entrusted their press relation to Balustrade :
- The Spirit of Boz from the Belgium contemporary artist Julien Friedler (Jacques Flament éditions publishing house & Bressler Conseil)
- Art brut: Vladimir’s exhibition with Luis Marcel, Head ofL’Art en marche
- 2018 Dumerchez Art exhibition at the Oise Museum in Beauvais (included in the Christine Fizscher mission)
- Prior to Balustrade, Guilaine Depis was also the press agent for a Michelle Knoblauch exhibition (Galerie des femmes, 35 rue Jacob, Paris 6tharrondissement)